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A calculus of the nervous system⎮amélie esterházy⎮exhibition opening

February 1st, 2024

In her exhibition Amélie Esterházy (born 1982, lives in Berlin) presents A calculus of the nervous system, works from recent years to the present day. With Amélie Esterházy - as with the Viennese artist Judith Fegerl/ exhibition "live wire" in February 2023 - the gallery is continuing its focus on artists who explore the connection between art and science.

Esterházy's first "Land Art" installation Untitled Pentagon, 2023, lawn, dimensions variable in cooperation with the architect/artist Zvi Hecker caused a sensation at Art Biesenthal 2023. The starting point of the installation is the formal overlap of the respective artistic positions, which are both based on the exploration of geometric structures and the testing of their limits. In 2022, she developed the first sculpture in the series THE HIVE: Frequential sequence #1, 21° 29' 33.0000'' N 39° 10' 39.2520'' E' as a scholarship holder of the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Culture at the Al-Balad Art Residency in Jeddah. THE HIVE is conceived as a global sculpture project. The basic idea is that each sculpture is designed and produced taking into account its very specific circumstances such as location, environment and geodata. 3D scanning and printing technologies form the basis for the digital code underlying each sculpture: its frequency sequence.

All the sculptures are linked to each other with a common code, e.g. One chaotic algorithm. Since 2013, Esterházy has been exploring structures of perception and the question of whether it is even possible to really perceive oneself or whether one's own reflection is just a kaleidoscopic impression of oneself in the Speculum series.

Photo by Amélie Esterházy

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