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21./22.01.2023 ⎮ SZ ⎮ They wanna rock that thing

Jan 21, 2023

von Evelyn Vogel

She wants to turn the Ludwig Space into a treasure chest for art: Dietlinde Behncke. The gallery rooms are still being renovated, but things will start on January 31st.

This thought also guides the former journalist, cultural manager, founder of the Pin Young Circle, art collector and passionate networker Dietlinde Behncke, known for her "Munich Speech" series. She will open her "Ludwig Space" at Ludwigstrasse 7 (right next to Sabine Knust's gallery) on January 31st. Her credo: "Place exciting new positions in the context of the times."

In the Ludwig Space, Behncke wants to expand the format of the Munich Speeches and invite guests from the arts, business, politics, science and society to talks. In her exhibition program with mainly "young, stormy positions", as she puts it, she focuses on the Vienna-Munich-Berlin-London axis. She once studied in the British capital and still maintains contacts. "I want to bring the Young British Artists of our time to Munich," she enthuses.

The room, which has 75 square meters of exhibition space thanks to the high gallery, is still being renovated. Until February 2020, the photo gallery f5,6 was there, which gave up the location after 16 years. Behncke wants to turn the space into a "little treasure chest for art" and she literally vibrates with energy: "I want to rock it!"

Süddeutsche Zeitung
Saturday/ Sunday, 21./22. January 2023


Photo by Catherina Hess

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