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Amélie Esterházy⎮A calculus of the nervous system

In her exhibition A calculus of the nervous system at behncke gallery, Amélie Esterházy (born 1982, lives in Berlin) presents a series of new works that explore the connection between art and science. Esterházy combines the mathematical and biological with the ephemeral and poetic, thus arriving at (un)scientific findings that she translates into sculptures and reliefs - as the title quote from Ada Lovelace A calculus of the nervous system expresses.

Lovelace, the first female programmer, recognised the possibility of assigning all units to binary numbers and thus laid the foundation for today's computer programs. She was one of the first people to recognise the true potential of the calculating machine. She envisioned using the calculating machine to develop a mathematical model that could mathematically describe the development of thoughts and feelings. Esterházy works on a similar premise by programming structures and systems and simultaneously reflecting the interplay of system and chaos, of intention and chance. In her series of works, surfaces are broken down into hundreds of small individual parts and simultaneously woven into a complex network. Structures and their affirmative change form the basis and starting point of her artistic practice.

Julia Milberger


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artwork view

ALGORITHMIC DRAWING #1, Series 2, 2019

Amélie EsterházyTinte auf Millimeterpapier
42x 30 cmEnquiry

artwork view

ALGORITHMIC DRAWING #6, Series 2, 2019

Amélie EsterházyTinte auf Millimeterpapier
42 x 30 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Megagon the white series #2, 2020

Amélie EsterházyTipp-ex auf Magazinpapier, bemalter Rahmen
29 x 21 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Momentum #5, series #2, 2019

Amélie EsterházyPapier, Heftklammern und Fliesen
51 x 41 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Spectrum #6, 2023

Amélie EsterházyLula Magazin Papier auf Leinwand
104 x 83 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Speculum angulus #2, 2022

Amélie EsterházyChampagner-Etikettenpapier auf Leinwand
80 x 80 x 40 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Tender Alliance #4, #5, #6, 2024

Amélie EsterházySeil, Salz, Metallring
Größen variabelEnquiry

artwork view

ALGORITHMIC DRAWING #2, Series 2, 2019

Amélie EsterházyTinte auf Millimeterpapier
42 x 30 cmEnquiry

artwork view

ALGORITHMIC DRAWING #5, Series 2, 2019

Amélie EsterházyTinte auf Millimeterpapier
42 x 30 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Burning #9, 2024

Amélie EsterházyZeitschriften auf Leinwand gebrannt
30 x 25 x 5 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Megagon the white series #4, 2020

Amélie EsterházyTipp-ex auf Magazinpapier, bemalter Rahmen
29 x 21 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Spectrum #2, 2020

Amélie EsterházyVogues 2000-2004 und Heftklammern
Ø 135 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Speculum #27, 2024

Amélie EsterházyChampagner-Etikettenpapier auf Leinwand
Ø 200 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Speculum series 2 #16, 2021

Amélie EsterházyChampagner-Etikettenpapier auf Leinwand
Ø 73 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Sequential frequency #3, 48° 8‘ 13.92 N 11° 34‘ 31.8 E , 2024

Amélie EsterházyPLA 3 - D Druck
100 x 100 x 80 cmEnquiry

artwork view

ALGORITHMIC DRAWING #3, Series 2, 2019

Amélie EsterházyTinte auf Millimeterpapier
42 x 30 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Burning #8, 2024

Amélie EsterházyZeitschriften auf Leinwand gebrannt
50 x 40 x 5 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Megagon the white series #3, 2020

Amélie EsterházyTipp-ex auf Magazinpapier, bemalter Rahmen
29 x 21 cm Enquiry

artwork view

Momentum #7, Series 2, 2024

Amélie EsterházyPosterdruck auf Leinwand
104 x 83 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Spectrum #7, 2023

Amélie EsterházyLula Magazin Papier auf Leinwand
Ø 120 cmEnquiry

artwork view

Speculum series 2 #15, 2021

Amélie EsterházyChampagner-Etikettenpapier auf Leinwand
Ø 73 cmEnquiry

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