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Elisa Breyer (*1995 in Berlin; she/her) is a German artist specializing in realistic
oil painting. She studied at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Chung-Ang
University Seoul and since 2021 at the Academy sof Fine Arts Munich in the
class of Karin Kneffel. Breyer led the textile workshop at Bauhaus University
In 2018, she collaborated with textile designer Nadine Göpfert on the Basic Fit
collection. She participated in the Artist in Residence programs at Villa Lena,
Tuscany, Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig and Deliceiras 18, Porto.
Photos Artworks ©Verena Hägler
Exhibitions and Auctions
ART AUCTION, Weserhalle, Berlin, Germany
CHRONICLES 5, Galerie Droste@KPM, Gallery Weekend Berlin, Germany
CHRONICLES 4, Galerie Droste@KPM, Gallery Weekend Berlin, Germany
10 Years Le Mile Magazine, Galerie Waldspeicher, Erfurt, Germany
Open Studio, Deliceiras 18, Porto, Portugal
UA!, OKNA, Porto, Portugal
Kunsthaus Erfurt meets Breuninger, Erfurt, Germany
HEAL YOUR BODY, Original Feelings Studio, Berlin, Germany
Unicef Art Auction, art’ SAP Dresden, Germany
Die Ästhetik der Zitrone (by Anna Rupp), a studio & Galerie Eigenheim Weimar, Germany
Champagne Supernova (by Jannis Uffrecht), NOVA ART SPACE, Weimar, Germany
Art Auction, Weserhalle Berlin, Germany
Max Otto Zitzelsberger, (SOLO) Munich, Germany
Die Ästhetik Der Zitrone, Eiermannbau Apolda, Germany
SOFT_WARE, Kunsthaus Erfurt, Germany
Platonic Romance, (SOLO) Schießhaus Weimar, Germany
Auf der Laube, Studio Hütte Berlin, Germany
Centre for Documentary Architecture, Bauhaus Atelier Weimar, Germany
UFF!, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Germany
R I T U A L S - space for club related Art, Funkhaus Weimar, Germany
Eine Insel der Kunst, Bauhaus-Fest Republik der Geister, Weimar, Germany
Jean Moulin 3, Lyon Art Festival, France
Die Zweite Haut, Studio Wägetechnik Weimar, Germany
nominated for the EB-Dietzsch Kunstpreis für Malerei, Gera, Germany
Special scholarship, Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Thüringen, Germany
Frauenförderfond, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Germany
Global Korean Scholarship for Art and Design, Korea
Stipendium der Robert Bosch Stiftung, Germany
Villa Lena Foundation, Tuscany, Italy
Deliceiras 18, Porto, Portugal
Die Basis, Vinschgau, Italy
Baumwollspinnerei, Leipzig, Germany
Works in Collections
Villa Lena Foundation, Tuscany, Italy